Please join IACTP and a network of training professionals from across the United States as well as international contacts in the adult corrections and juvenile justice community. Individual professional memberships are $50. The student rate is $35. Agency membership rates are available and rates vary based on the number of individuals joining from the same agency (see below for rates). IACTP also offers Affiliate Membership (for non-profit organizations or universities) and Association Membership (for corporate businesses and agencies). Details of these latter options can be found below.
For more information, contact Michael Jones at or at 859-333-4209.
Join & Pay Online!(Click the above link to submit online membership form. You’ll have the option to pay online or to mail a check to the office)
The IACTP Member Office
The IACTP Membership Office provides support to the Board of Directors, maintains the membership list, and coordinates registration for conferences. The office is not staffed full time, but feel free to contact the office via phone (859-333-4209), fax (888-282-8549) or email (
If you would like to download the Membership Form and submit via mail click here: Printable Membership Form.
Membership Benefits
- Discounted Membership Conference Rates
- Access to the Community Circle – Online Chat & Resource Sharing Platform
- Opportunity to Run for a Seat on the IACTP Board of Directors
- Voting Privileges
- Access to IACTP Member ListServe (IACTP office will distribute your research or training questions to membership for feedback)
- Webinars on Training Topics (free registration)
- Network of Training Professionals to Exchange Ideas
Membership Rates
- New Member: $50.00
- Renewing Member: $50.00
- Full-Time Student (w/ID) Membership: $35.00
- Agency Membership (3-8 Members): $43.00 per person
- Agency Membership (9-12 Members): $42.00 per person
- Agency Membership (13-16 Members): $40.00 per person
- Agency Membership (17-20 Members): $38.00 per person
- Agency Membership (21-24 Members): $36.00 per person
- Agency Membership (25-30 Members): $34.00 per person
- Agency Membership (31-60 Members): $33.00 per person
- Agency Membership (61+ Members): $2000.00 flat fee
For Agency Membership payments, please call the IACTP office at 859-333-4209 or email
Affiliate Membership ($250)
Open to state, regional, national, or international organizations whose membership includes individuals directly involved with the practice of training and education in the criminal justice fields. Affiliate Member benefits include:
- Discounted Membership Conference rates (for 2 people)
- Company name and logo listed and hyperlinked on IACTP website
- Access to IACTP Quarterly Training Webinars
- The IACTP logo may be used with prior board approval
Associate Membership ($1,000)
Open to corporations with an interest in criminal justice training and education. Associate Member benefits include:
- Same as Affiliate Membership (see above)
- Company name and logo listed and hyperlinked on IACTP website
- Recognized in the IACTP conference program book
- Recognized in The Correctional Trainer quarterly e-journal (electronic version)
- Complimentary booth at the IACTP conference (in lieu of conference booth, materials can be forwarded and distributed to conference attendees by IACTP staff)
- Access to IACTP Member ListServe (IACTP office will distribute your one marketing item and/or research/training questions to membership for feedback)